This Little Golden Book peeks into Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures’ The Secret Life of Pets, a comedy about the lives our pets lead after we leave for work or school each day. It’s perfect for boys and girls ages 2 to 5!
My Chihuahua Puppy
The Metro, “I had only ever taken in adult rescue dogs, all of whom had been your standard mutts of medium size. Thinking it would be nice to have something completely different this time around, I ended up going for the opposite of everything I’d know before. Enter Mort, a teeny-tiny, seven week old chihuahua puppy. I thought… Continue reading My Chihuahua Puppy
I Got A New Friend [Kindle Edition]
When a little girl gets a new puppy, they have a lot to learn about each ther. The new friends can be shy, messy, and sometimes get into trouble. They get lost, but they always get found. Their friendship may be a lot of work—but at the end of the day, they love each other!… Continue reading I Got A New Friend [Kindle Edition]
The Dogist by Elias Weiss Friedman
The Dogist is a beautiful, funny, and inspiring tribute to the beloved dogs in our lives. Every page presents dog portraits that command our attention. Whether because of the look in a dog’s eyes, its innate beauty, or even the clothes its owner has dressed it in, the photos will make you ooh and aah,… Continue reading The Dogist by Elias Weiss Friedman
Ultimate Encyclopedia Of Caged & Aviary Birds
Practical Family Reference Guide To Keeping Pet Birds, With Expert Advice On Buying, Understanding, Breeding And Exhibiting Them. A reference manual for bird-keepers of all levels, with a visual directory of over 250 of the world’s most popular varieties, and a practical guide to all aspects of care, housing choices, constructing an aviary, buying birds,… Continue reading Ultimate Encyclopedia Of Caged & Aviary Birds